Applications and Implications

what does it do?

This project uses photo sensors as input to a Arduino microcontroller to automatically control opening and closing of an “origami” sunshade.

who's done what beforehand?

The project is based on Ron REsch's Origami Tensselation

what did you design?

Design included the following:

/structure (2d and 3d), mechanical design

/“origami” shade portion (composites)

/Ardunino Leonardo board (electonics design and production) and connections

/photo sensor boards (electonics design and production)

materials and components used? where did they come from? how much did they cost? ?

The following materials were used:

/high density polyurethene foam mold (provided by Fab Lab) - milled - estimated 5$

//peel ply textile (provided by Fab Lab)

//breather textile (provided by Fab Lab)

/wood veneer(Servei estacio, Barcelona) - laser cut (“origami composite) - $14

/cotton based fabric (Ribes & Casals, Barcelona)- laser cut (“origami” composite) - $7

/epoxy resin - applied for joining of composite elements(provided by Fab Lab) - estimated $4

/mdf, 3mm_supports and base(Servei estacio, Barcelona) - laser cut -$5

/reel, gears and reel axle - 3d printing using PLA - $6

/three servo units( - connected manually -3 X $ 2.99

/fishing line - $1

/Arduino Leonardo with extra pins for the servo motors(output device) and power:

32U4 processor - $4,41

resistors - 9X $0.1

capacitors - 10 X $ 0,40

2 female Headers 8 positions( 2 X $0.89)

pins headers female - $1.45

6pos header male - $1.10

4pos header male - $0.97

power Jack $1.39

button - $0.15

lEDs - 4 X $0.40

usb connector - $2.17

16 MHz Crystal - $0.68

protection diode schottky - $0.50

voltage regulator - $0.97


battery holder 3AAA - $1.56

/ input device

Photocell -3 X $0.72

resistors - 3X $0.1


what parts and systems were made and what processes were used??

/3d milling was used for fabricating: a foam mold for assembling “origami” composite made of wood veneer, fabric and epoxy, an Arduino Leonardo PCB, and a photo sensor PCB.
/3d printer and PLA was used for fabricating: three reels that are turned by a motor controlled servo mechanism, and wrap or unwrap fishing line, as controlled by the Arduino Leonardo three reel axles for the reels to spin around gears that connect the servos to the reels
/Laser cutter was used for: fabricating the composite materials (wood veneer and fabric) to size for the composite fabricating the wood base and supports
/A vacuum was used to press the wood veneer and fabric together against the mold using air pressure while the epoxy dried. The following software programs were eagle rhino rhinocam shopbot enroute

what questions were answered?

Is it possible make a simple system to provide more shade when there is more light and less shade when there is less light, using techniques and methods that were learned in the Fab Academy?

Is it possible to combine architecture, digital fabrication and electronics?

How can i control the behavior of an architectural structure

Will integrating the servo connections into the Arduino circuit board be more efficient the connecting them otherwise?

Will I finish on time?

Will it work in the end?

Will it be efficient?

how was it evaluated?

Each component was evaluated separately after fabrication. Components that did not function as intended were redesigned and/or re - fabricated. The final system was then evaluated as a whole to see if each of the functioning parts can work together so that the system can work as a whole.

what are the implications?

Shade on a sunny day